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Call for proposals on Town-Twinning and Networks of Towns

Would you like to develop a town-twinning project or a network of towns in an EU context? The Commission makes 11 million Euro available for transnational projects promoting exchanges between citizens from municipalities of different countries. These projects will give citizens the chance to broaden their perspective and to develop a sense of European belonging and identity. At the same time these projects will encourage the active cooperation and exchange between municipalities.

Deadline:  24/03/2022

See alsoCall

Two categories of projects:

  1. Citizen-oriented small-scale Town-Twinning Projects will offer the opportunity to discover the cultural diversity of the European Union and to make citizens aware that European values and cultural heritage constitute the foundation for a common future.
  2. Larger-scale Networks of Towns will deepen and intensify the cooperation between municipalities and their citizens in a long-term perspective and develop more thematic and policy-related activities.


This year’s specific focus is on:

  1. The richness of the cultural and linguistic environment in Europe;
  2. Reinforcing the European integration process through solidarity;
  3. Debating the future of Europe ;
  4. Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local communities. 

Networks of Towns:

Specific focus could be given to:

  1. Strengthening the European and democratic dimension of the EU decision-making process;
  2. Supporting free and fair elections in Europe, in particular in view of the European elections of 2024;
  3. Promoting the debate on the future of Europe;

Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local communities.

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